Master Builders WA

Coming home from work safely is something we all hope to do every day. But unfortunately, there are still too many work related injuries. Master Builders are proud to be introducing a new way to address safety issues in the building industry.

Work Safe reports that during 2015-2016 the construction industry was in the top 3 industries in WA for the highest number of work-related injuries. While on-site safety systems are in place, there can be unforeseen hazards.

Master Builders has a new “interactive app”, specifically developed for the construction industry. It consists of safety modules related to the challenges around working safely at heights, in both the residential and commercial sectors, scaffolding and mobile plant.

Being able to access relevant and helpful information like this so easily, makes education much more effective. There really is nothing more important than being in a safe environment at work. Making sure that everyone is safety aware, is the key!
Master Builders are due to release this application later this year. For more information visit

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