Often if you’re wheel chair dependent, you might not be able to push yourself very far, and even for an able person pushing someone around in a wheel chair can be very hard work. Well, you really don’t have to put up with any of these limitations anymore!
Introducing the Companion Range of electric folding travel wheelchairs by Out and About Healthcare. Coming in three sizes, the Companion folding wheel chairs are very suitable for travelling on planes and on ocean cruises. Made with an aluminium frame, and with long range lithium batteries, the Companion is truly a product for anyone desiring to get out and about.
Ok, now this is the chair set up for operation and right next to us here is the fully collapsed chair, which is now very compact and easy to wheel around like a suitcase, but the most surprising thing is that the chair only weighs 20.4 kgs, which really makes it no heavier than an average suitcase.
The Companion is very manoeuvrable and very stable, and has a very impressive range of up to 15km and the armrests are designed to hold 77KG of weight, so the user can use these to help them get out of the chair. The controller can be easily moved from the front to the rear of the chair for a carer to use.
Give Out and About Healthcare a call for all of the details on this fantastic range of electric wheel chairs.