If you are looking for an easy way to control aphids on your roses or lace bug on azaleas without the need to spray or mixing, I have the answer. A granular insecticide Richgro Bug Killa that is taken up by the plant roots and enters into the plants sap stream to protect it from pests for up to six weeks.
Prior to application of Richgro Bug Killa remove any mulch or dead vegetation from around the base of the plant and lightly moisten the soil surface.
Follow the directions on the bottle and carefully measure the required quantity of granules, one cap holds 10g which is perfect for controlling azalea lace bug or aphids on roses up to 1 metre tall.
Sprinkle the granules evenly around the drip zone or over the surface of potted plants. Always water in well after application to maximise penetration and contact with the plant roots. The addition of iron and zeolite in Bug Killa boosts overall plant health.
Go to richgro.com.au to find out how Richgro can take care of all the pest problems in your garden or you can watch this story again at Homeinwa.com.au